Helping our Community

Local organizations and people are coming together to offer assistance to those in our community affected by COVID-19.

While as of now we have no cases of COVID-19 in Park County, Livingston Health Care has an Emergency Response Fund to help address the emergency or disaster related medical needs of our community. The website also shares ways you can help and things to do to slow the spread of coronavirus.

Livingston area churches are offering assistance with food delivery, grocery shopping and laundry services! Find out more at

The Livingston Food Pantry is offering food boxes. If you can volunteer or if you need food assistance contact them for more information. No one should go without food.

Bozeman Healthcare has also set up a community fund. Locals in Bozeman have created a place where people who are elderly or immunocompromised can be matched with volunteers who can help them by running errands or going grocery shopping.

HRDC and the American Red Cross are also offering assistance and taking donations.

Get all the information and find links to these organizations in this article provided by XL Country radio.

Together we will get through this! We hope you and your family stay safe and healthy!